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Exploring Travel

Vietnam: Flower Power, Tailor Town, Gastronomic Delights and other tales

By on October 20, 2013

“I think now, looking back, we did not fight the enemy; we fought ourselves. And the enemy was in us. The war is over for me now, but it will always be there, the rest of my days as I’m sure Elias will be, fighting with Barnes for what…

Bayon Temple at Angkor Thom


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Exploring Travel

The Cambodian Temple Run

By on October 14, 2013

Circa 13 BCE: Somewhere in the present day South China Sea near the Mekong Delta.

2 out 3 ships that left the shores of the present day Kanyakumari, India towards the Far East are missing, presumably sunk, after they encountered a typhoon. The heroic mission blessed by the king himself…

Machu Picchu


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Exploring Travel

Peru: Empire of the Sun

By on December 10, 2012

Circa 2012 BCE: Somewhere in the present day Southwest Peru near the Pacific Ocean.
“Look grandpa, there’s a bright star up in the sky coming down.” The child shouts and immediately the others look up at the night sky well lit by the stars. Its not a shooting star. It gradually…

Hemant Albert Soreng
Somewhere, Everywhere, Anywhere

Hi, I'm more of a story teller of my various travels and experiences. This blog is an account of my adventures so far. Hope you enjoy reading it and in a way travel with me...

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