Hemant Albert Soreng
Somewhere, Everywhere, Anywhere

Hi, I'm more of a story teller of my various travels and experiences. This blog is an account of my adventures so far. Hope you enjoy reading it and in a way travel with me...


Kaveri Trail Marathon 2009

By on September 13, 2009

This was  the 3rd edition of Kaveri Trail Marathon. Last year some 200 odd participated and this year 700+.
Venue was at Srirangapatnam, near Mysore, next to Ranganthittu Bird Sanctuary.

Since this was some 120 km from Bangalore we  started off from Bangalore at 4 am in pitch darkness. But the drive was pretty fast and we reached well before time with a coffee thrown in between.


And what a spectacle it was with runners, volunteers and supporters at the starting line. The run started at 7 am (I participated in the half-marathon).  The trail was 10.5 km long alongside the green fields and accompanied by Kaveri, the river. It was a true cross country race, very scenic, unpolluted and e
Full marathoners started off first followed by the half marathoners. The 10 km was at 9 am.
While I did the first 10.5 km within 55 min, but in while returning during the last 5 km struggled with the Sun now beating down in full glory. My timing was below my best, but it was the memorable experience I took back and not my race standing, so did all the runners.
Hoping to have more such runs.



  1. Reply

    Tanvir Kazmi

    September 14, 2009

    I have heard that this is a great trail route to run on (the other great being the Auroville one), so maybe next year. So, what time did you finally manage?

    • Reply

      Hemant Soreng

      September 20, 2009

      Auroville would be interesting. When do the runs happen on this trail? Would love to join in.
      I managed 2h 17m in this one. Hope to improve in the Delhi half marathon.

  2. Reply


    May 4, 2010


    I hv regd for the KTM 10 on 19.09. Would appreciate if you can give me some feedback on the trail terrain – roughness, unevenness, inclines, slopes etc. I hv never run trail so any input would be welcome.

    Also did you wear special shoes or your regular track / road runners were good enough.


    • Reply

      Hemant Soreng

      May 4, 2010

      Hi Rishi,

      The KTM route is a nice trail route. Beautiful in fact, when you are running right next to the river. There are no inclines or slopes, just one minor one, I remember. You will be running on hard ground, but definitely will be “softer” than tarred roads, will be rough in parts with loose stones/gravel etc.
      Last year, we started at around 7:30, I think, so the initial part of the run was very nice, but when the sun came out it became unbearable.

      Your regular running shoes would do, which you have used for running earlier.
      Hope this helps.

      All the best
